
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Moving ... or not.

Well, I'm back in Florida and find myself in the unusual state of moving but not. We can't move into our new apartment until next Monday and the previous .. well, actually, I guess they're the present tenants .. but anyway, they have done nothing about cancelling their phone, electricity, etc. so these agencies can do nothing about arranging for us to connect them. All we can do is sit around and wait but since we have to do this at the home of our poor suffering friends Don and Cathy, we also cannot start recollecting the usual stuff of life or even arranging the pitiful amount we had left when we left Barbados --- more about that later --- so no dust bunnies are forming at all just now. What kind of universe are we going to end up with in this situation? We can but wonder.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I've always wanted to blog but have never felt inspired to do it until today. Some years ago, my friend Pamela noted that the dust bunnies under my bed were achieving a certain state of embodiedness. She wisely suggested that, rather than succumbing to this senseless need for cleanliness that has been sweeping the planet, I should leave the dust and see if entropy would eventually form them into real bunnies. I eagerly agreed to this but sadly, we had to move and when we moved the bed, our experiment in entropy was ended. Today I discovered that according to the latest theories on the formation of the universe, if I could just have waited a few million years more I might have had a whole new universe under my bed. All I can say, as I move into my new apartment is: "Let the research continue."